Wednesday, June 9, 2010

How to do List Building through Social Bookmarking Sites

The main social bookmarking websites are: click here

To make the most of social bookmarking websites for your list building, there are a few techniques you should follow:

Type the post in English. The website vistors will come from all over the world, but the majority will be able to read English – more than if you used another language, anyway.

Use attractive anchor text, to entice people to click on your website link.

Upload videos to Twitter and YouTube, to showcase your company.

Put bookmark icons in highly visible places on your website.

MySpace and Facebook can also be used to increase traffic to your website.

Forums and Message Boards

These are the most interactive of all websites. They get a lot of traffic and potentially that means a lot of people will see the link from which to join your mailing list.  You just need to include the relevant link in your signature which you add to each of your posts.

Here you can give your opinions, answer questions or post your own questions, or respond to what has been written. The things to remember when using forums and message boards in order to further your list building are: Be professional, Show you are knowledgeable, Stay on topic,Don’t push your products and services; leave that to your website, Make certain you use your signature with each post and have your link in it.

This is the way to use forums and discussion groups for list building without being accused of spamming. You should use them as opportunities to become known as an expert within your field.  People’s trust in you will grow and they will be more inclined to bring their business to you.

Sign up for several relevant forums and you'll soon be recognized; make sure you are well known for all the right reasons. On most of these online forums you will also be able to upload your profile,which is visible to the public. Make sure it contains relevant keywords and gives a reasonable idea of what your business is all about.

If your post is informative, people who read it will almost always click on your link to visit your website. If they like what they see there, and you have a link to sign up for your mailing list on every page, like was suggested earlier, they will more often than not join your mailing list. Keep the hard sell off the forum, You don’t need to do it there if you do, likely people will turn away from your offer.

When you join these forums, take some time to browse and find out where you can make your most useful contributions. A good tip if you have the necessary knowledge is to answer any questions which have not yet been responded to. Make sure you sound professional and like you know what you are talking about, in every contribution you make. Don’t just say ‘click here to find the answer in my e-book’. That really won’t work and will just make it seem like you are taking liberties with your membership to the forum. That will cause offence and could even get you banned and blacklisted, which would be a disaster for your business promotion.

It is also important to make your forum contributions regular. That is all part of relationship building and allowing people’s trust in you to grow. In time, people will visit your website through your link and will also recommend you to other people.

Of course, you can always start your own threads in the forums. Good threads to start are those which directly relate to what appear to be the current problems. Always guarantee what you write is meaningful, People aren’t stupid, If they realize you’re not interested in helping  only building your list, they will avoid clicking on your link.

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