Wednesday, November 10, 2010

6 Tips for How to Find Your Passion

When you follow your passion it brings personal power and rekindles yourself to the beauty of the world. It leads you to the center of spiritual pilgrimage as it transforms your thoughts, perceptions, and feelings. Finding your passion does guarantee an comfortable life, rather a rich life opened to hopes and chance. 

1. Speak your truths clearly - To find your passion you must speak your truths and ready yourself to new fortunes. Know what really matters to you. What truly makes you contented. Know what things in your life you do most favorable and makes you feel whole.

2. Remain open for support - You must also keep in mind that you are not an isolated being – you need the help of family, friends and a affirmative-minded social circle that will help you reach your purpose.

3. Expand your senses - When you expand your awareness, you tend to experience God’s blessings and you feel more tranquil and serene. This allows you to be more patient and be reminded of the cycle of nature. When you encounter this you become more positive and calm.

4. Give yourself  time for enjoyment - Waking up in the morning removed from busy agenda's and having the freedom to do the things that brings you pleasure. To find your passion you must allow yourself a time for pleasure. For many people, allowing pleasures induces guilt as it is non- productive and hinders you from getting important things accomplished. But this view of pleasure is actually a matter of opinion. Gentle pleasures are good for your wellness and are productive. By allowing yourself time for pleasure you become more focused and passionate in your work.

5. Liberate yourself - A person who finds their passion is a  rational person. Performing  work that displays your character and values promises you a life of happiness and contentment. It is easier and liberating when we accept who we are and we allow other people to accept us too. The human psyche is a holistic system, to numb one part of our being is to numb the rest and create constant struggle .

6. Gorge yourself with affirmations - Affirmations are important in finding your passion in life as it makes you feel confident and hopeful about meeting your goals. A lot of people don’t get to their destinations out of fear of failure. You should allow yourself to get upset by some declivity but remind yourself to  get back on track again. Some people or circumstances beyond your control might try to influence you into thinking negative. Disallow it. Sometimes, It’s not so easy to shut them out of your life. But it’s easier to practice blocking the negative energies that they bring into your life. It keeps your sanity.

Finding your passion is an endless journey. When you do the things that you are passionate about you allow  your life to flourish. You let yourself connect to everything you are – in mind,  heart, and  spirit. You are  stronger and can face challenges more suitable because you are reinforced by being able to do the things you love. You feel more alive, positive, self-respecting, and determined. You live your life with confidence and high morale. And you feel you are contributing goodness and positivism to the people in your life. 

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Secret Tips For Generating Traffic To Your Website

Generating traffic to your website can be easy if you know the little secrets about how to drive massive volumes of traffic at no cost.

§1   Have your own website’s discussion board or forum, and invite people to visit and participate on your forum. This generates traffic to your website and all the posts on your website’s forum will help to improve your search engines position, which will boost traffic to your website. People who visit your forum will also visit your website, hence driving massive amounts of volume to your website.
§2    Offer an e-zine on your website and invite people to subscribe to your free e-zine. When people subscribe, they will give in their email address. Every time they read your e-zine, it will remind them to return to your site since you will have your website URL in your e-zine.
§3    Invite people to bookmark your website. This is particularly effective if you have high quality content on your website which makes people want to spend more time reading all the useful content on your site. Give away free content to other web masters for them to add on their websites. By allowing your visitors and other webmasters to use your articles on their own web site or in their e-zine, including your resource box, you are effectively advertising your website through their web sites. In addition, allow your visitors to give away your online freebies, and these will include your website URL, thus effectively multiplying your traffic.
§4    You can also ask your website visitors to refer your web site to their friend(s) who may benefit from visiting your website. This will increase traffic to your website.
§5    Invite your visitors to sign your guest book. When people sign your guestbook they may give you valuable feedback that will help you to improve your web site. This in turn will help you increase traffic to your web site by providing a useful website.
§6    Offer an affiliate program. Having hundreds of affiliates advertising your website is an effective way of generating traffic to your website.
§7    Give some testimonials or product reviews including your website URL to websites that get high volumes of traffic. By having a testimonial on a website that is visited by thousands of people, you are getting free publicity and free advertising and traffic for your website.
Use the secret tips outlined above to easily generate high volumes of traffic to your website and boost your online profits.